Religious Routes And Sites
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Patriarch’s Route

The Patriarch’s Route is named for the route taken by the Patriarch and other dignitaries for several religious processions during the year, such as Christmas Eve and The Feast of the Holy Eucharist. Just before entering Star Street in the City of Bethlehem, from the Nativity Road, you come across King David's Wells, where there are remains of an ancient church dating back to the 4th century. You can get out here, visit the wells, and stroll along Star Street, taking in the sights all the way to the Nativity Square. Depending on the day and time you arrive, you may be able to visit the Nativity Museum, where cribs from all over the world are presented in a lively and colorful display reflecting the various cultural visions of the Nativity. The museum is located inside the precincts of the Salesian Monastery, an important landmark in Bethlehem’s history and town. Near the Salesian Monastery is the Greek Catholic Church, reached by a majestic staircase. Further down are the old structures of the Old Gate of the Town, referred to in Arabic as Qoos as Zarra, the Syrian Quarter, or Hosh Is-Syrian and the Bethlehem Folklore Museum Baituna Al-Talhami, located in a traditional Palestinian house and depicting the architecture, interior design, objects and lifestyle of Bethlehem of yore. Heading toward Manger Square, you can visit the Mosque of Omar and the Bethlehem Peace Center, where the Tourist Information Center and Tourist Police are found, and exhibits held. The Peace Center houses a model of the old core of Bethlehem and information kiosks for the service of visitors. If you missed the Nativity Museum mentioned above, you can visit one here. A few steps away is the Church of the Nativity. If you want to take a break or get your bearings before continuing, there are various eateries around the square. Just behind the Church to the right, lies the Harat Al Anatreh or Anatreh Quarter, one of the ancient quarters of Bethlehem rehabilitated by the Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation, reached by Milk Grotto Street.